Welcome to the OBC Journal Archive website.
Here you can read and download issues from 2014 – 2024, and access older archived articles, and subscribe to the new OBC Newsletter.
- The Journal of the Order of Buddhist Contemplatives was published four times a year up to winter 2024. Articles from monks and lay practitioners on aspects of Zen practice, as well as news from temples around the Order combined to make a PDF publication of around 80 pages.
- Printed Annuals, comprising all the articles from the respective years were produced for those who appreciate reading a printed book – these are still available via lulu.com
- The Journal is now being superseded by an email Newsletter which will be sent to subscribers four times per year.
New Offer – Audio Articles: If you would like an MP3 version of any article on this site, or an article from a pre-digital issue (up to 2014), please request one via the contact page, and it will be produced by a volunteer (human voice, not AI).