Recognising Buddha
Fuden Nessi, Rev. Master
It is so helpful for our spiritual path to recognise the heart of Buddha in other human beings. When I was a young man, there was a deep longing in me that I could not have put into words then. It was not until I went to Throssel Hole Priory in 1976 and a year later to Shasta Abbey to become a monk, and met Reverend Master Jiyu there, that the recognition of what my heart was longing for became clearer. Our contact with someone who unconditionally follows the Truth awakens and greatly clarifies our own longing to do so. Witnessing Reverend Master’s profound devotion to the path of the Buddhas and Ancestors, and the actions that flowed from this, has been one of the main jewels that nourished my spiritual life.
Issue: only available as part of Journal, Anniversary 2016 pdf to download
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