This article is based on an online Dharma talk to the German congregation in October 2021. May we not let anything, past or present, get in the way of our taking refuge in Buddha within our heart. There can be …Continue reading →
In remembrance of Rev. Master Alexander who died in November 2021 we are publishing a transcript of a Dharma talk he gave whilst he was Prior at the temple in Telford. With gratitude to Chris Hughes for transcribing it. …Continue reading →
In a recent Sunday morning Zoom gathering of the congregation, I was speaking about walking the spiritual path. I am not comfortable with the idea of a path with a goal reached at the end—what I think of as the …Continue reading →
This is a transcript of a Dharma talk given at Shasta Abbey in June 2021 I’d like to welcome all of you whether you’re here in person or online. It would be nice to see everyone face to face – …Continue reading →
(This article was adapted from a Dharma talk offered at the Berkeley Buddhist Priory on August 23, 2020, and the audio talk is available on the Priory website.) The universe is as the boundless sky, As lotus blossoms above unclean …Continue reading →
The following is a transcript of the last Dharma Talk of the 2021 Spring Retreat held at the Priory. Transcribed by Michele Feist. Homage to the Buddha Homage to the Dharma Homage to the Sangha The Buddha taught that there …Continue reading →
This article first appeared on the website of Pine Mountain Buddhist Temple where the author has spent time on retreat. As I wipe down the kitchen counters in the Buddha house after morning meditation I contemplate my inclination toward …Continue reading →
I am in the retreat hut. There is a slow and irregular pitter-patter of raindrops on the roof. Still half-asleep, I rub my eyes, remembering that after meditation last night I discovered that a large candle on the altar had …Continue reading →
This article comprises the opening chapters from a new book by Rev. Master Daishin, titled Delving. Night Walks Plenty of things scared me as a child, but I found I had an affinity for the dark. I was drawn to …Continue reading →
The following was written in 1985 and reflects the language style used at that time as well as the thinking and understanding of a relatively young monk of four years standing living at Shasta Abbey, California. It is published now …Continue reading →