Originally published on the Pine Mountain Buddhist Temple website. Since the old Zen Writings were done in times when people were much closer to nature than we in our urbanized society are, it makes sense that some of the …Continue reading →
In honour of the memory of Rev. Master Jishō, and with gratitude for his life of teaching, we offer this article which is an edited transcript of a talk given at Shasta Abbey in 2007. I do have …Continue reading →
Perhaps we could be forgiven for assuming that a defining characteristic of the human race is its ability to generate conflict around notions of group identity. The other day, I read about experiments using everything from ethnic, political, religious and …Continue reading →
Whilst we are on this earth, it is unlikely that we will find or create a sort of heaven realm for ourselves. As the young Shakyamuni realized, suffering exists inherently in this samsaric realm that we inhabit. The pains of …Continue reading →
This article is based on an online Dharma talk to the German congregation at the end of 2020. At the end of the year, this is my wish for us: may we – in the midst of all that we …Continue reading →
The weather is “perfect”. You know that day when the sky is sheer deep blue, and itʼs warm and windy and delicious and youʼd be a fool not to be out there in it? My COVID-19 lockdown walk takes me …Continue reading →
This article is based on a talk given by Rev. Master Mugō on the 5th April at Throssel Hole Buddhist Abbey. It was transcribed by Rev. Alina and edited by Julius Welby. We have just completed a ceremony which I …Continue reading →
This article is dedicated to the memory of my beloved brother Kris, who passed away 4 April, 2020. At a funeral service it is traditional to place a painting or photograph of the deceased on the altar – a likeness …Continue reading →
When visiting the Jersey Group recently there was a suggestion to talk about “Response to the climate emergency” Some people in the group are seriously committed to this work and I very much appreciated what everyone said. There was also …Continue reading →
‘From Great Compassion comes forth the Pure Dharma Body – Unborn, Uncreated.’ Great Compassion has always existed, always is, and always will be. It is the nature of existence. It is greater than anything we can imagine or dream of …Continue reading →