Adapted from a sangha-led Dharma discussion, February 25, 2024. It’s been about a year since I took the Precepts in May 2023. Yes, I had an idea about what I was doing. No, I had no idea about what “taking …Continue reading →
A lightly edited transcript of a talk given online at the Priory in 2020. These are challenging times we’re living in, and we might all find ourselves sitting with strong, persistent, recurrent feelings: fear and anxiety; despair, perhaps …Continue reading →
I’ve been a lay practitioner at the Columbia, South Carolina Zen Priory for eight months now. Recently, Reverend Master Rokuzan invited the sangha to write an article for the OBC Journal. I have benefitted greatly from the Journal’s articles …Continue reading →
The Light on Change retreat was held at Throssel Hole Buddhist Abbey in October 2007. A group of female trainees who are members of the O.B.C, Sangha, and who are all in the latter part of their lives, came together …Continue reading →
This is an extract from a novel called The Buddhist CEO which was published in 2022 and written by a member of the lay Sangha, Thane Lawrie. The main character Hamish, is a deeply committed Buddhist; the story details the …Continue reading →
About twenty participants came to Throssel Hole Buddhist Abbey for the second Poetry and Practice Weekend Retreat in March. We gathered for our first session in the common room on the Friday, where we discussed our hopes and expectations …Continue reading →
I am alive! and I love my old age. When I was younger I felt so much confusion and hesitation, many doubts and fears, and I felt vulnerable. There was so much I didn’t understand. I was a foreigner …Continue reading →
This is a transcript of a Dharma talk given following the Festival of Great Master Dōgen at Throssel in October. To celebrate Eihei Dōgen today, the talk is going to be about morality… That probably sounds terribly dry for a …Continue reading →
Based on a conversation between the author and Rev Master Olwen Crookall-Greening in November 2023. I spent three months as a lay resident at Throssel Hole in the Autumn of 2023, and decided to write about the experience, in the …Continue reading →
This is an edited transcript of a talk given at Shasta Abbey in June 2023. I would like to start with a story about an animal that I grew up with in the Midwest, the buffalo. Actually what I …Continue reading →